Wednesday 4 November 2009

Main Article Image Choices

Jake's Restaurant Renovation Success

I chose this image out of only the three I took of the restaurant, because I feel this long shot of the building, at a diagonal angle, captures the new and unusual ambience of the restaurant.
As the article was about the renovation, and the restaurant is suggested to be unique in the town, a slightly upward diagonal angle gives this impression.
I edited the brightness and contrast on Photoshop to help the image stand out and the colours to connote a 'bright and cheerful' family restaurant.

"Bah Humbug!"
I chose this image to portray the early Christmas scene in the window, in late September time. This image I chose out of three because it captures and focuses on the shop alone, with nothing else in the image to distract the eye. I cropped the image and edited the brightness and contrast to achieve the window scene as the focal point.

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