Tuesday 10 November 2009

Newspaper Articles

These are the MAIN articles that I have written for the newspaper front cover and second page. Not all of my articles are included here, due to them being 'filler' articles and not main ones.

Main Article -
JAKE'S RESTAURANT RENOVATION SUCCESSTHE RESTAURANT scene in Harrogate has recently had a boom, leaving the recession a distant memory. In particular, one business, Jake’s, has caught the eye of many tourists and residents. It has also been nominated for the Plush awards. David Knowles, 45, and his wife Suzanne, 44, recently took over and renovated the stylish new restaurant. The couple bought the establishment when it was named Milan's, and have transformed it from a functional cafĂ© into a sumptuous, Italian experience. The restaurant was named "Jake's" in memory of their late son, who unfortunately passed away aged 21. David said that the choice of name was not intended to be morbid, but in celebration of their son’s life. Dr. Susanne Knowles said, "The new menu is heavily influenced by our love of Italy and Italian cuisine, before we renovated Jake's the whole family would be experimenting with all sorts of different Italian recipes and foods at home." Critics have high hopes for the restaurant; some suggesting it's set to be a strong rival for Starbucks with its fresh coffee, cakes and pastries all produced on the premises by their award winning London head chef, Wendy O’Brien. The family recently held a private party for the official opening and renovation of the restaurant, also commemorating their sons birthday. The restaurant is yet to be fully refurbished but is currently open for business 7 days a week.

Article 2 - Front Cover

HARROGATE WOMAN'S HANDBAG STOLEN IN ASDAA HARROGATE woman's handbag was stolen in ASDA on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Bellerby was doing her shopping when the incident happened around 12:15pm in the store. She was approached several times by a woman asking questions about different products of food. After the second time, Mrs Bellerby was distracted and later noticed her handbag was missing. The bag contained car keys, a mobile phone and a purse with credit cards and ten pounds cash. Sergeant Jones has said that this is not the first time the woman has stolen.“This is becoming a regular occurrence in the Harrogate area.The woman is not dangerous but may have an accomplice, so we are warning women to be vigilant and keep their handbags close.” She is described as being about 5ft2, black hair in a ponytail, of eastern European origin and with a very little knowledge of English. The police are urging anyone who may have seen the woman around Harrogate to come forward as they believe she may steal again. Alternatively, call crime stoppers on 0800 1234567.

COUNCIL INVEST IN SCHOOL CANTEEN EXTENSIONNORTH Yorkshire County Council have invested over £240,000 in constructing an extension to Harrogate Grammar School’s canteen. The extension was finished this month and is currently in use. The extension, which began at the start of June, will seat an extra 300 students (on top of the current 240) and will host another 3 serving stands for extra canteen staff. Head teacher Mr. R. Sheriff agrees that the school is in desperate need of extra space to accommodate their 1800+ students. Mr .J. Mungovin, the head of the site staff at the school, revealed his thoughts on the new construction; “We are hoping that more students will be encouraged to stay on site for their school dinners, and make good use of the new facilities.” The school recently received the Healthy Schools Award, allowing the extension of the canteen, and is already one of the most desirable schools in the country.

Main Article - 2nd page

BAH HUMBUG!CHRISTMAS IN Harrogate has always started early. Advertisements are in windows usually by early November. There have been several complaints to Harrogate Borough Council this year as to why there are shop windows with Christmas decorations already on display. Anne Woodland is one person on the Christmas Lights committee who agrees that the decorations are a little too early. “I love Christmas in Harrogate, our tree in the town centre always looks magnificent. The main shops have definitely bought Christmas forward at least a month too soon.” With Halloween and Bonfire night still to come, Christmas is definitely not ‘just around the corner.’ The run up to the holiday is always a rush, but have Harrogate made the rush come far sooner than is needed? In the economic crisis that Britain and the rest of the world is in at present, is it necessary for shops to be encouraging early Christmas present spending? Matthew Riley, 32, has recently lost his job as manager of the Printing Company that went out of business last month. “Having no job in this economic climate is definitely not where anybody wants to be. Retailers that are encouraging shoppers to start on Christmas shopping is absurd. Who can really afford to start now, we certainly can’t.” Shop managers however, such as Susan Taylor who manages Woods interiors in Harrogate, has a very different idea. “Yes we are going through an economic downturn at the moment, but what people don’t realise is retailers have to have an ongoing income also.” If you have any thoughts on early Christmas, please contact us.

106 RE-ROUTETHE 106 bus route is under debate. The public are furious with the changes to the bus route, which is supposed to improve the ‘reliability’ of the service. The route will lose many valued customers, says Dr. Ray Clare, 68. “I am outraged at the changes. I don’t have any means of transport to get in to town, the 106 bus is a vital connection for many people, especially those near Green Lane.”Dr. Clare has set up a petition which has to date over 500 names. He is hoping to gain at least another two hundred more signatures before presenting it to Harrogate Borough Council. Transdev introduced the route cuts in August, which cut out 3 major parts of the route including Green Lane, Yew Tree Lane and Rossett Green.

CAT HITCHES 30 MILE RIDE IN BACK OF VANA CAT from Harrogate was found in the back of a Toyota Maintenance van last week. Craig Ross, 50, the owner of the van, was shocked to see his elderly neighbours‘cat asleep in the back. The cat, after jumping into the back of Mr Ross’s open van, had fallen asleep and then taken over a 30 mile ride to Barnsley until Mr Ross had noticed. “I hadn’t realised until I had to stop at a service station near Barnsley, it’s a wonder nothing fell on top of her.” After discovering the cat, Mr Ross drove back to Harrogate and handed back the cat, named Bebe, to Mrs Ethel Godal, 78, of Arthurs Avenue. Mrs Godal said she ‘wasn’t surprised’ Bebe had gone missing again. “It’s a regular occurrence now, I’d seen her climb in strange places before but never thought she’d end up travelling all theway down Yorkshire.”Mrs Godal is widowed lives on her own, with 18 year old Bebe. “If I’d lost Bebe I wouldn’t know what to do. I wouldn’t be able to get another cat at all.” The adventurous cat is infamous in the neighbourhood for getting locked in garages and having several days away from home. Bebe is now safely back home with Mrs Godal.

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