Monday 2 November 2009

Newspaper Production

To complete the newspaper front cover and second page, I used a program called Microsoft Publisher. This allowed me to create a genuine looking newspaper in a more professional way.

Firstly, I had written my articles and arranged them into columns in Publisher. This allowed me to set a layout for the images and articles, and to choose which articles would fit best on the page.
Here is a sample layout, where I was arranging the articles and advertisments to fit evenly.
I decided to use the banner at the top of the page as I found in my research that it is a generic convention for local newspapers. I also found that local newspapers usually use colour in them as they are not as formal as, for example, a business newspaper. I chose a neutral blue coloured theme, which connotes the formality of the newspaper, but also revealing that it is local.

I used the typeface "Georgia", which is a serif font and holds a sense of formality. I used a lighter blue for the word "Harrogate" so that it would contrast against the darker background and stand out to the audience showing that it is from their local town. Also, to help the word stand out more I used a neutral black and italic typeface for "The" and "Times". This has created my house style, which I felt was appropriate for a local Harrogate newspaper.
In and below the banner I included the website, a motto, the date and the price of the newspaper which are all typical conventions of a local newspaper.

The banner across the very top of the page is advertising inside articles and offers, also another convention. I created a side column also to advertise other inside articles and advertisements.

A generic convention of a local newspaper is that it has an advertisement. I discovered that this was usually placed towards the bottom of the front page, as a 'banner'. I decided to create a display advertisement as that was the type of advert that appeared most frequently.
This may be so as not to distract attention from the main articles.
I came across several difficulties whilst placing the article on the page. I overcame these by cropping, and adding pictures to the advertisment so the barcode and recycling symbol fit on to the page with out any gaps.

Here is an image of the final display advertisment :
I used a pale pastel colour that fades to the left of the article, to represent the simple designs of the 'homewears' that the article is advertising. I used an extravagant typeface for the title of the company to portray a luxurious feel as well, contrasting with the simple colour, images and smaller typeface.

The second page was also created on Publisher, to allow the pages to have a similar layout. Here is the process where I was setting out my articles to build the second page. I inserted the articles first before I inserted pictures in order to create the right layout.

In this image, (left), I realised that the advertising ratio was none existant, so I removed some articles to make room for the display advertisement.

This part of the production is where I added in some of the pictures that I have now rejected. I also started to produce my advertisement, which is for a jewellery shop called "Les Anges". I chose this name as it sounds quite 'upper class' and I used dark colours to connote luxury.

Here is my second page final advert :
For this display advert, I used dark colours such as deep red and black to connote wealth and luxury. This is also percieved through the image of a girl, with red lipstick and a pearl necklace. This close up image also holds connotations of wealth and upper class, I used this stereotype in order to gain the correct audience for that particular advert.

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