Tuesday 10 November 2009

Other Image Choices

These are the contact sheets of images that I have either discarded or used in advertisements or smaller articles in the newspaper. The highlighted yellow images are the ones that I have used and have been edited in Photoshop (brightness and contrast) to give better aesthetic quality.

1. I chose only one image out of this set of photos, due to it being a much straighter angle and appropriately corresponding to the article I have written in the newspaper.

2. I have chosen 3 images here. Firstly, I chose the first 'present' photo due to it being a clearer and brighter image. The second chandelier image was chosen because it was at a better angle compared to the others and was focused more clearly on one small part of the object. I only had one of the final image of the vase, which I felt was enough as the image is in focus and can be resized accordingly to the advert.

3. After thoroughly looking at each photo here I found that in most the inconsistency was that the angle was slightly slanted, or the shoulders were uneven. I chose this photo in particular to include the lips and the 'straighter' shoulders in order for the pearl necklace to be in main focus.

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