Tuesday 10 November 2009

Hyperlinked Webpage Generic Conventions

These are the conventions I have found that apply to the hyperlinked webpages of each different Newspaper. E.g The Hereford Times (See Webpage Conventions.)


- Homepage Masthead/Title : Same as the Homepage, keeping the house style and brand identity
- Pictures : Several pictures for the articles and advertisements, main picture for the article
- Main Linked Article - This takes up most of the hyperlinked page as it is the purpose
- Advertisements : The same as the Homepage
- Links to other stories : To give the audience other story options
- Comment Option : To give the reader the option to comment on the article
- House Style : The same as the Homepage, keeping all colours and fonts

Similarly to the home page of my website, I applied each of these conventions successfully in order to create a recognisable product.

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