Monday 9 November 2009

Newspaper Webpage Conventions

Second Task - Hyperlinked Webpages - RESEARCH
In research to create two hyperlinked webpages I have researched the main webpages of local newspapers. This is in order to gain knowledge of how a newspaper website presents itself, so I can apply the generic conventions of the page to my own work. I used several different local newspaper websites from around the country, rather than the all Ackrill Media Group sites, as they all have the same layouts.
  • Hereford Times
  • Newcastle Journal
  • North Wales Weekly News
  • Harrogate Advertiser

Generic Conventions

- Masthead/Title of newspaper : to demonstrate the newspapers trade name

- Brand Identity : the font type used for the title, giving it it's personal identity
- Articles : only small snippets of the articles.
- Links to articles : for the audience to read the full article.
- Links to other pages e.g adverts : these fill up a lot of the page and are either local adverts or other websites.
- Scrolling text e.g Current daily news : changes daily and is 'instant'. (e.g has the exact time posted)
- Pictures included with articles : like the newspaper, to give better imagery of the story.
- Time and Date : standard convention
- "Register" and "Sign in" options : so regular readers can receive updates/other news/comment
- House style e.g colours, layout : to establish the link between newspaper and webpage

- Search engine boxes : to search the website or internet
- Contact options : in order to contact the editor. e.g to suggest articles
- Weather : updated weekly, possibly daily
- Links to specific article areas e.g Sport : to give choice to the audience who may only want to read certain sections of news

Using this research of generic conventions, I found it easier to understand what a typical local newspaper website should look like. If I had used divergent thinking within my product it would not have been recognised by an audience as a newspaper webpage.
Each convention I applied to thoroughly create a genuine looking product.

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