Friday 8 January 2010

Technological Devices Used

Whilst creating all my products, I used several technological devices in order to achieve the final newspaper.
Microsoft Publisher
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Office Live

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Final Poster Production

After deciding on my final idea, I began designing the final product.
Using Adobe Photoshop Elements, which I found had the appropriate tools to create my desired image, I pasted my two images into separate layers. I used the "Lasso" tool to cut out my magnifying glass from the background, and also to cut out the center of the glass. This enabled me to copy and paste the image onto the background of the map.
I then merged the layers to create one image, and cut out my final image to place onto the poster.

I chose this particular image because the magnifying glass suggests that the newspaper is 'magnified' and concentrated on the Harrogate area only. The slogan "Take a Closer Look" also holds connotations of the ultra local theme the newspaper has taken on.

I wanted the final poster to signify the unity within a local society, with a particular focus on the people of Harrogate.

Audience Feedback -
Ella Peach: I think the poster is really unusual and eye-catching, as well as putting the point Holly wanted to portray across to the audience.