Wednesday 2 December 2009

Newspaper Website Production

Firstly, I chose Microsoft Office Live out of several different sites due to the ease of movement of text boxes and images. I used the layout with the most columns in order to fit more information onto the page. Using and 'insert image' option, I used the title banner from my newspaper to give the website a house style and brand identity. This enabled me to choose an appropriate background colour to match and create cohesion. Creating a boxed-out far right panel in a pale blue colour, (following the house style) simply shows the audience that this a separate part of the webpage and should attract attention, although not taking attention away from the main articles.

To create the small 'picture links', I used paint as it is simple yet effective in creating a professional looking image. It also allowed more freedom for me to create the images exactly as I would like them. For each image I used pale, corresponding colours so they were eye catching but did not distract. The text tool in paint also allowed me to write inside the oblongs. I then used 'insert image' to place the images where I wanted them.

In the same way as the picture links, I used paint also to create this box-out of links. To give the text the look of a 'link', I changed the colour of the text, also underlining it giving the text an 'interactive' look. I used a pale yellow colour for the background to attract attention but again not too bright as it would distract attention.

The 'offers' buttons were also created in Paint due to the freedom of movement and text tools. Three of the buttons used a plain white background with contrasting colours, although for the first establishing button I used a grey background to signify the offers to the reader.

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