Friday 8 January 2010

Technological Devices Used

Whilst creating all my products, I used several technological devices in order to achieve the final newspaper.
Microsoft Publisher
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Office Live

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Final Poster Production

After deciding on my final idea, I began designing the final product.
Using Adobe Photoshop Elements, which I found had the appropriate tools to create my desired image, I pasted my two images into separate layers. I used the "Lasso" tool to cut out my magnifying glass from the background, and also to cut out the center of the glass. This enabled me to copy and paste the image onto the background of the map.
I then merged the layers to create one image, and cut out my final image to place onto the poster.

I chose this particular image because the magnifying glass suggests that the newspaper is 'magnified' and concentrated on the Harrogate area only. The slogan "Take a Closer Look" also holds connotations of the ultra local theme the newspaper has taken on.

I wanted the final poster to signify the unity within a local society, with a particular focus on the people of Harrogate.

Audience Feedback -
Ella Peach: I think the poster is really unusual and eye-catching, as well as putting the point Holly wanted to portray across to the audience.

Thursday 3 December 2009

Cohesive Devices in Newspaper, Webpage and Poster

I am very pleased with my final productions. I believe the ancillary texts have a well established symbiotic relationship with the newspaper, promoting it well. The brand identity and house style have been maintained throughout and it is easily recognisable. Particularly the newspaper and webpage had to have specific cohesiveness, as the poster is only an advertising promotion for both of them. The poster is a really good advantage towards both website and paper as it shows the ultra-local theme that the newspaper has taken on. The articles I have used also compliment this ultra-local theme as they are from the area only and are to do with the residents of Harrogate.

Wednesday 2 December 2009

Website Evaluation

Website Address:
Second Page Address:

This is my Home page for the newspaper website. In order to create cohesion and a symbiotic relationship between newspaper and website, I used the house style and brand identity. I also applied all generic conventions that I researched to create a genuine looking product. This helps the audience to identify what product they are using. In Microsoft Office Live I used the layout which had the most columns so that I could use these to my advantage and include more information. I used HTML codes to create scrolling text which shows the interactivity of the website and a genuine feel. Integrating the interactivity concept into my website falls in line with the Uses and Gratifications theory, which suggests that the audience can take and use only the information they choose.

I decided to fill the lower half of the page with advertisements and "links" to other articles as I found this was more generic than simply just using articles with images. The four main articles in my newspaper were the main stories to be shown on the website. I found through my research that only the main or more important articles are shown on the homepage. Adverts such as "Dating" and offers for the readers appear frequently, I created these using Microsoft Word and Paint, as they only needed to be simple images and not interactive links. At the very bottom of the webpage, I decided to include a "Press Complaints Commission", as this also appears on all newspaper websites. This is to give readers the option to complain about an article or claim
made in the newspaper or website.

This is my second hyperlinked page, linked from the homepage. It is the main article that appears on both the hard copy of the newspaper, this also creates cohesion. Second page conventions generally varied, so I used a variety of different conventions. For example, some websites use adverts within their second page. Due to the lack of space and the length of the article, I felt it was not necessary to include any advertisements. I used a sidebar to create links to 'other pages' of the site. In the article, I used cross lines to separate paragraphs, which I also used on the hard copy of the newspaper.

I used a 'slideshow' tool on Microsoft Office Live to give a variety of three pictures. I also added a comment box option using HTML, which is a generic convention of a second page. I am very pleased with the final turn out of the whole website.

Tiffany Jackson - I think this website is really well thought out. It has a simple and easy navigation, as well as having a professional look.

Newspaper Website Production

Firstly, I chose Microsoft Office Live out of several different sites due to the ease of movement of text boxes and images. I used the layout with the most columns in order to fit more information onto the page. Using and 'insert image' option, I used the title banner from my newspaper to give the website a house style and brand identity. This enabled me to choose an appropriate background colour to match and create cohesion. Creating a boxed-out far right panel in a pale blue colour, (following the house style) simply shows the audience that this a separate part of the webpage and should attract attention, although not taking attention away from the main articles.

To create the small 'picture links', I used paint as it is simple yet effective in creating a professional looking image. It also allowed more freedom for me to create the images exactly as I would like them. For each image I used pale, corresponding colours so they were eye catching but did not distract. The text tool in paint also allowed me to write inside the oblongs. I then used 'insert image' to place the images where I wanted them.

In the same way as the picture links, I used paint also to create this box-out of links. To give the text the look of a 'link', I changed the colour of the text, also underlining it giving the text an 'interactive' look. I used a pale yellow colour for the background to attract attention but again not too bright as it would distract attention.

The 'offers' buttons were also created in Paint due to the freedom of movement and text tools. Three of the buttons used a plain white background with contrasting colours, although for the first establishing button I used a grey background to signify the offers to the reader.

Monday 30 November 2009

Poster Ideas

Poster Ideas

Till Receipt/Value for money - Similar to the idea that The Sun used, showing the value for money with an interesting aesthetic quality.

World magnified on Harrogate - A map of the world, showing a magnifying glass over Harrogate/magnifying glass showing the map of Harrogate in the middle. Accentuates the fact that the newspaper is ultra local but also that Harrogate is the 'center of the world', connoting the importance of the newspaper and community.

Community based - Images of people of all ages each reading the newspaper. This would show that the newspaper is for all ages.

Tag Lines -
The Harrogate Times. Your ultra local newspaper.
The Harrogate Times. Not just your local newspaper.
The Harrogate Times. Take a closer look.
The Harrogate Times. Our World. Our Community.

Poster Draft

I created a draft image of my poster to give an idea of what the final production will look like. I used the conventions from the national newspapers posters and applied them to my own production. For example, this draft is simple, has a tagline (take a closer look), colour (image) and the title and website of the newspaper. I used the image from 'clip art' on Microsoft Word, which I will replace with my own image that is similar to the draft.

Newspaper Poster Conventions

To create an advertisement poster for the newspaper, I have researched the generic conventions of national newspapers advertising posters. These are images from two different newspapers, The Guardian and The Sun, and their conventions.
The Guardian

- Quotes/Persuasive language/sentences
- Colour
- Title/Website of newspaper
- Image (Using relevant associated words)
- Not a lot of text
- (Newspaper) Associated words e.g "fact" and "opinion"
- None gender/age specific

- Title/Website of newspaper
- Image
- Colour
- Persuasive language/sentences
- Simple
- None gender/age specific

These two posters present a very simple approach to advertising. Using eye-catching colours and unusual designs attracts attention easily. The language used within each poster is specific to newspapers and the media, suggesting that the audience can have their own opinion and the newspaper will allow them to do this.

The Sun

- Title of newspaper
- Image of receipt
- Subjects within the newspaper shown on receipt, "TOTAL 30P" connoting it is worth the money.
- Simple
- None gender/age specific

- Tite of newspaper
- Simple
- Quotation
- Possibly for generation that understands the recession
- Bold statements e.g "BIG OPINIONS. EVERY DAY."

Both of these advertisement posters for The Sun, similarly to The Guardian, present also a simple scheme. The receipt poster is imaginative and simple with a good concept to persuade the audience to buy the newspaper.

Through looking at these posters, although national, I have gained knowledge for the production of my own poster.
I will make it simple yet appealing so my audience finds it eye-catching and interesting.